• B12 Supplements are a great 1st step in making sure you are getting the minimum required amounts of B12.
    • B12 fortified foods like soy milk, rice milk & some breakfast cereals have B12 amounts that often meet your your daily needs.
    • Animal Friendly Natural sources of B12 do exist in sea vegetables, mushrooms and other various fungi but should be used in conjunction with the above two items unless lab testing can confirm consitant levels of B12 in all samples.
    • The key thing to remember is not to neglect your B12 intake for another day.  It is easy to think you will catch up another day with your B12 needs, but the reality is many people set up patterns in their daily eating habits that do not include Vitamin B!2 and the habits are hard to break. 
  • Benefits Of Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) Supplementation
     by: Darcy O'Neil

    One of the most overlooked supplements on the market is Vitamin B12.Your body needs this vitamin, in combination with other B vitamins, to maintain a healthy nervous system, maintain energy levels and production of good DNA. All very important processes to your everyday existence.

    The number one symptom for Vitamin B12 deficiency is feeling tired and lethargic. The B-Complex vitamins play an important role in carbohydrate digestion and energy production. Without all of the proper components this system can breakdown and cause a these symptoms. If left without diagnosis or treatment, B12 deficiency can lead to a serious medical condition, Pernicious Anemia. The symptoms of B12 deficiency include; shortness of breath, fatigue, rapid heart rate, loss of appetite, diarrhea, tingling and numbness of hands and feet, sore mouth, unsteady gait, especially in the dark, tongue problems, impaired smell and bleeding gums. A high intake of Folic Acid can hide B12 deficiency. This condition is easily fixed by adding B12 rich foods to your diet or taking supplements. In most cases, Vitamin B12 should be taken in conjunction with a Folic Acid supplement and a B-Complex vitamin.

    Because of changing diets, and highly processed food, there has been a significant increase in Vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is found in red meat, eggs, dairy and fish. There are no know sources of Vitamin B12 in vegetables. At one time it was quite common to feast on organ meat, but you would be hard press to find a fast food restaurant serving steak and kidney pie or liver and onions! The modern diets has led to a decline in nutritionally balanced diets. The highest sources of B12 can be found in mollusks/clams (85 micrograms per 3oz portion) and beef liver (47 micrograms per 3oz portion). Over cooking can lead to the breakdown of the vitamins. If those are not to you your liking then salmon, trout and beef are moderate sources with about 5 micrograms per 3 oz portion. Over cooking these foods can significantly reduce the quantity and quality of nutrients.

    If oysters and organ meat are not to your liking then Vitamin B12 supplements will work perfectly well. There are a number of forms of B12, and this list will help you pick the proper supplement for your conditions. When in doubt, contact your doctor or use Methylcobalamin.

    Methylcobalamin is a coenzyme form of Vitamin B12 which is biologically active. This means that your body can use it as is, and does not require any metabolic steps to make it body friendly. The product comes in a sublingual tablet(dissolves under your tongue) because your digestive system modifies the molecule. The sublingual method allows the vitamin to directly enter your bloodstream, providing rapid benefits.

    Cyanocobalamin is a synthetic, and inactive, form of Vitamin B12 that requires a number of metabolic processes to gain any benefit. This can be problematic in people with certain deficiencies and health issues. Unfortunately, this is the most common form of Vitamin B12 on the market and is found in most Vitamin B-Complex’s.

    Hydroxycobalamin is a non-active form of Vitamin B12 and is used commonly as an injectable form. It has a number of benefits depending on your condition. It is recommended for those who have cyanide sensitivity. Hydroxycobalamin helps the body bind free cyanide, by reacting with the molecule to form cyanocobalamin, which can then be excreted from the body. Most people are aware that cyanide is highly toxic, but the body regularly uses it in very small quantities for metabolic processes.

    Adenosylcobalamin is the other coenzyme form of Vitamin B12 and is biologically active. This form is usually sold as an injectable form and only available by prescription.

    Common Reasons for Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    There are a number of reasons why a person may have Vitamin B12 deficiency. Some people lack the proper intrinsic factor to properly digest this molecule. Many times this will show up at a young age but may occur as you age, however many times it is not diagnosed properly.

    Vegan’s also may be deficient because their diet does not allow them to eat sources of food derived from animals. Unfortunately, Vitamin B12 is only found in animal sources. Taking supplements of B12 will ensure that there are no issues.

    It is also recommended that elderly people take Vitamin B12 supplements. It has been shown in studies that 15% of people over 65 have Vitamin B12 deficiency. This is partially caused by a decline in the gastric system, which results in poor absorption of nutrients. The preferred source of B12 for the elderly is sublingual or injectable forms, since they bypass the digestive systems.

    Another culprits for B12 deficiency is gastric acid-blocking products and medication, which can lead to decreased vitamin B12 levels. This is also related to people with malabsorption conditions such as Celiac disease, low stomach acid or those who have had stomach or intestinal surgery. Any stomach condition may result in poor absorption of nutrients.

    Vitamin B12 is a very safe, and affordable, supplement with real benefits. For anyone that is concerned about their health, proper supplementation can play a very important role. If you have any of the symptoms or conditions associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency try taking a coenzyme form of B12, usually Methylcobalamin, and a B-Complex Vitamin with Folic Acid for a two week period. If you notice any benefits, great, and if not there was no harm done. You should always check with your doctor if your symptoms continue.

    One interesting thought about Vitamin B12 is that oysters were documented as a aphrodisiac food by the Romans in the second century. Could it have been that many Romans were deficient in B12, and when they ate the oysters, which are high in B12, they were no longer deficient resulting in an increase in energy and youthfulness? It’s possible.

  • The Power of Vitamin B12 Supplementation
     by: Jeremy Maddock

    Vitamin B12 is a highly important part of any good vitamin supplementation plan. It works to improve and enhance a variety of important bodily systems, helping the body to metabolize fats and carbohydrates, while maintaining a healthy nervous system.

    The main purpose served by this important vitamin is supporting the transfer of amino acids during the process of energy production. This leads to significantly increased overall energy levels, as well as more efficient immune system function.

    Another function of Vitamin B12 is to support the cellular nourishing process for increased fertility and healthy growth and development of cells. It is also connected to acteylcholine production, which supports the brain in memory and learning.

    In addition to all this, Vitamin B12 works together with folic acid to manufacture red blood cells and properly replicate DNA. It also has the potential to promote good heart health by helping to maintain healthy levels of an homocysteine, which is an amino acid normally found in your blood.

    As you can see, this highly potent and versatile vitamin comes with more than its fair share of health benefits, and is an excellent supplementation option for almost any diet. B12 supplementation is especially important for vegetarians, or those who aren’t frequent meat eaters, as it is not plentiful in fruits and vegetables.

  • Vitamins For Vegetarians
     by: Simon Harris

    There are a lot of vegetarians amongst us, some by circumstance and some by choice. Those that are vegetarians by choice can be divided into two general groups, those that do not eat meat, poultry or fish, but do consume dairy products as – in theory – the animals are not harmed or killed by the gathering of those products. Vegans, however, use no animal products whatsoever.

    There are many health benefits to a planned vegetarian diet, as opposed to the unplanned vegetarian diets that result from poverty and a lack of food availability. However, there are also some special precautions that need to be taken to safeguard nutrition, as adequate amounts of some of the most important nutrients can be more difficult to obtain. This is especially true for those following the more restrictive vegan diet.

    The body is a complex and delicate system, and the foundation of all of its functioning is chemical and electrical actions, interactions and reactions. The operation of this system rests firmly upon the balance of these chemicals. The majority of the chemicals in these essential physical processes come from the food that we eat, from the nutrients that come from its consumption. Thus, nutrition has a deep influence of the health of the body and the quality of its functioning.

    Because the brain, like the body, functions on chemical reactions and electrical impulses, the processes of cognition, emotion, and so on, are also affected by nutrition. In fact, deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can result in mental illness and retardation, as well as cognitive dysfunction and difficulties and emotional instability.

    The Vitamin B complex offers a perfect example of how vegetarians must pay special attention to their diets to ensure peak performance of body and mind. The Vitamin B complex is involved with every major system in the body and has a role in almost every important bodily process. It is essential to mental health and functioning, and essential to life itself. However, there are certain Vitamin B complex vitamins that need special attention by vegetarians, as vegetarians do not consume the richest sources of these vitamins.

    The richest sources of Vitamin B2 are milk and organ meats. It is available in enriched breads and cereals, but care must be taken to consume the right amount daily. Niacin and Vitamin B6 are other B complex vitamins in which the richest sources are meats and, again, are available in smaller concentrations in enriched breads and cereals. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products. It is important to note that vitamin B12, in addition to being important to the production of red blood cells, is essential for the normal growth of children.

    Nutritional supplements can serve to enhance the health benefits of the vegetarian lifestyle. Indeed, they can serve to prevent the serious health consequences that vitamin deficiency can cause. Nutrition is especially essential for children, as their minds and bodies are growing and developing. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you may want to consider the complete, safe and reliable nutrition that dietary supplements can provide.